The answer is D
extra wording XD
C: to provide a visual for something that the reader may be unfamiliar with
(don't quote me)
This will take long to answer.
A). He
B). They
C). We
D). It
E). She
F). It
G). He
H). He
I). They
J). She
A). Him
B). Them
C). Him
D). It
E). Him
F). Them
G). Us
I am not going to finish the whole thing, because it will take up most of my time, but I tried to finish as much as I could
Nick's bias becomes clear in the earliest pages of the book, when he tells us that <u>“there was something gorgeous about him [Gatsby], some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life.”</u> We are inclined to see Gatsby as a sensitive genius and to side with him in the romantic triangle between Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom.
Why dont you search in google !
You'll get a proper answer