Answer: Tengo un pez beta, se llama Fuego. Es rojo y azul, y le gusta esconderse en un castillo en su pecera. Es un pez pequeño y muy bonito. Su pecera tiene guijarros azules en el fondo. Fuego es un nadador rápido. También tiene trozos de algas verdes en su tanque. También tiene un cofre del tesoro.
I have a beta fish, it's name is Fuego. He is red and blue, and likes to hide in a castle in his fish tank. He is a small fish, and very pretty. His fish tank has blue pebbles on the bottom. Fuego is a fast swimmer. He also has green seaweed pieces in his tank too. He also has a treasure chest.
Theory of Evolution studied by Charles Darwin who observed finch beaks and how they differed
- vamos (first word in the first question)
- fuimos (second word in the second question)
- solía (forth word in the question that says number 5)
I am pretty sure that this is accurate. Glad to help :)