They drive to town together, and Elisa notices a dark speck on the road in the distance. She realizes it's the chrysanthemum sprouts that the tinker has dumped by the side of the road, keeping the pot. Eventually, they overtake the tinker's wagon, but Elisa refuses to look at it as they pass. Elisa asks Henry about the boxing fights in town, then asks if they can get wine with dinner. He agrees. She again asks him about the fights, and if fighters hurt each other a lot - she explains that she's read they can be quite violent. Henry, surprised, asks her what's wrong, and tells her that if she wants to go to the fights, he'll take her, but he doesn't think she'll like it. She answers that she doesn't want to go to the fights - wine will be enough. As they continue to drive, she turns up her coat collar so he can't see that she's crying.