They needed to look strong enough to work so they would not be killed.
Those sick or too old automatically were taken to these gas chambers, and yes it is how it sounds. A gas chamber was a sealed room that was used for execution by poisonous gas. Some mothers used to pinch their children's cheeks to make sure they looked extra healthy. A horrifying way to die.
2. Muslims are not terrorists because Islam is a peaceful religion that does not condemn violence. Though there are a few terrorists that identify themselves as Muslim they are not following the religious book of Islam “the koran”. There are about 1.9 billion Muslims in the world and the majority are not terrorists. 4. Muslims religion is Islam. 5. Women are not valued equally with men in Islam society in most Muslim country’s such as Afghanistan women are not allowed in school they are told to cook and clean they wear scarfs because it is traditional form it’s worn as privacy to stop men to not to stare at women
They told myths through story telling or singing.
By 750 B.C., the Polis or city-state, became the central focus of Greek life.
1. Columbus returns from first voyage to America
2. England issues charter for Virginia
3. Charles Il passes Navigation Acts
4. James II forms Dominion of New England
5. French and Indian War begins