The waves travel across the ocean out of the area where the wind is blowing. Wave approaches the shore it touches bottom, and the base is slowed down, the water at the top of the wave moves faster, and causes the wave to break.
A partnership has advantage over a sole proprietorship: It's relatively inexpensive to set up and subject to few government regulations. Partners pay personal income taxes on their share of profits; the partnership doesn't pay any special taxes.
The sick and invalid members of society were cared for by the healthy citizens
From this passage, we get a simple very nice picture about the basics of how the Inca society worked. Everyone that was capable of working was working, and everyone was treated in the same manner, had the same rights, and the hierarchy was somewhat horizontal. The members of the society that had health problems or were disabled, thus were not able to work, were taken care by the other members of the society, and they were receiving the basic means for living for free from the storehouses.