Optical illusion art can be very difficult to make. But, it is with the time. Optical illusion art can be very relaxing to the mind, and it is cool to look at. It tricks your brain into thinking one thing or the other. For example, art that looks like going down stairs, it makes you think the paper is cut and your walking down little stairs, but in reality, it is only a flat piece of paper.
If I could draw optical illusion art I would draw physiological optical illusion art because I like how it makes you feel you are following down a small hole. For instance, if someone drew or spray painted the floor with physiological optical illusion art, you could step in the middle and feel like you are about to fall, but in reality you won’t. Optical illusion art is very interesting, and the different types are fun to learn about. Looking at this type of art makes me want to try it myself. So I believe optical illusion can be fun for everyone, whether you like art or not, in my opinion, it would be fun.
I think your answer is b) strings
Hiperrealismo y fotorrealismo
El hiperrealismo es una tendencia radical de la pintura y escultura que nace en Estados Unidos a finales de los años 1960 tras el pop art y luego se extiende por toda Europa; los hiperrealistas rechazan cualquier interpretación de la realidad de la que proponen una reproducción mecánica.
Shawm was a more common instrument along with bagpipes and harps
1 – Freehand brush strokes. ...
2 – Brushstroke with volume or transparency. ...
3 – Impressionists – Brushstrokes of light. ...
4 – Pointillism. ...
5 – Expressionism. ...
6 – Creative brush strokes.