hard to maintain
because his empire spanned across an ocean it made it hard for his subjects to be directly under him, and hard to maintain a tight grasp on his empire, making the enforcement of catholicism harder as well
A major Renaissance poem that included real people as its characters: The Divine Comedy.
They were all on the outskirt of the two sides and every one of them had motivations to go both routes in the contention.
Maryland was a slave state and from multiple points of view held to an indistinguishable thoughts from the Confederates. The most compelling motivation that they went poorly them is on the grounds that the US government ensured there were a lot of troops there, so Washington DC wasn't cut off amidst Confederate land.
Both Missouri and Kentucky had their own smaller than expected form of the Civil War going, where neighbors battled with neighbors.
(1) Guadalupe Hidalgo
(2) Texas, California, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado
(3) Rio Grande river
They won a few battles and asked france for help