King was a minister criticized by clergymen, so he tried to justify his cause by paraphrasing the words of Thomas Aquinas, a notable interpreter of God's order on earth. He uses this allusion because he wants to underline the crucial difference between just and unjust law, that has been confirmed by one of the highest intellectual authorities in the fields of philosophy and religion. King provides a religious justification for the concept of nonviolent resistance.
The feminine beauty ideal is "the socially constructed notion that physical attractiveness is one of women's most important assets, and something all women should strive to achieve and maintain". Feminine beauty ideals are rooted in heteronormative beliefs, and heavily influence women of all sexual orientations.
He reviled that someone, most likely boo, had fixed them the best they could. This shows that boo might not be so bad after all. (;
You should right the book about June teeth, I forgot how to spell it
Nice one
you have your country at mind