Actualmente somos en el año 5527 según el calendario Aymara. El año Aymara empieza el 21 de junio con el solsticio. Como Bolivia esta al sur de la linea del ecuador, por ellos el 21 de junio marca el principe del invierno.
We are currently in the year 5527 of the Aymaran calendar. The Aymaran calendar year begins on June 21, with the solstice. Since Bolivia is South of the equator line, that means that for them June 21st marks the beginning of the Winter.
Ellos nos lavan el pelo todos los dias
Tú se pintas las uñas
Javier y yo nos lavamos la cara antes de acostamos
Roberto se cepilla los dientes antes de vestirse
I translated this from google translate and got this:
OLGA I'm glad that your sister (1) to Colombia. Are you going to study? SARA Yes. It's a shame that (2) a week late. Hopefully, the university will help her look for a house. (3) I do not get where to live. OLGA I (4) that you are so pessimistic, but yes, I also hope that (5) nice people and who speak a lot of Spanish. SARA Yes, I hope. He is going to do a study on deforestation on the coasts. It is sad that in so many countries the natural resources (6) are in danger. OLGA Well, I (7) do not stay long in the capital because of pollution. (8) Have time to travel around the country. SARA Yes, I hope (9) go to Medellín. I know that you also expect (10) the Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira.
Nadien is the answer for the blank
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