This statement is true. Soil color only reflects the amount of organic matter that is currently present in the soil. If the soil seemed to be much darker, it means that the soil has a greater amount of organic materials which makes it better.
The upliftment weathering hypothesis suggests that the formations of the uplifted terrains the global climate into an icehouse state and the main factor that influences the global state of the chemical weathering are the global rainfall and the high temperatures, like the rocks in the tropical areas, are exposed to the dry and hot weather conditions.
<u>Similar to that of the cold areas the rocks are exposed to the cold and first action and the interaction of the moisture contents that transform the minerals in the rocks. Which are ongoing processes through the impacts of the oxidation and hydrolysis.
The formation of the acidic contents in the rocks ios created by the impacts of these temperatures on the rocks mass. The carbonization that is an atmospheric process of the addition to carbon contents to the air and impacts the limestone and the chalk rocks.
from the research i did,out of the countries in sub saharan africa with data collected, tanzania has the lowest amount of TV's per 1,000 people, with the meager amount of 2.8 TV's per 1,000 people.