Hey Jordan,
Its cool that you get to visit Peru. Here are some interesting things about Peru. Did you know that public institutions offer virtually free education in a variety of professional fields. Also tution at private universities are charged on a scale that corresponds with students' income levels. As far as the economy, the president holds executive power and serves a five-year term if you don't vote you are fined. Although they share some holidays with us there are some that are different such as, Countrymans Day(June 24) and Immaculate, Conception Day(December 8).
Some things in Peru are very different from the United States. For example, when naming your children only the oldest daughter may be named after the mother. Also when leaving the house its considered bad taste to leave home wearing old or dirty clothes, while in the United States people do as they please. Did you know if you are a guest at someones house you are expected to eat all the food that is offered.
Some things in Peru are a lot like the United States. For example, their freedom of religion. There is currently about 81% who are Roman Catholic and then 13% make up the population of Protestant and Evangelical churches. Like the United States, buses are the most popular form of transportation. When it comes to visiting, greetings, and eating they are all similar to the United States.
Have a great trip! Bring me back a souvenir!
1) a la
2) al
3) a la
4) a la
5) a la
6) a la
alto (the word means tall in spanish so just draw anything tall. Could be a person or a building, up to you).