These gift bags are for: Mrs. Hernandez, Mr. Rollins, and Miss Crane.
A colon NEVER comes after a fragment, only after a complete clause.
He is a very experienced hunter
Rainsfords character was able to tell that the animal was big, but that the gun used to shoot it was a smaller one. he was also able to tell that the hunter who shot the animal was not able to kill it at first.
While you was out Mr. James called. He stated that he was in fever and can not go to the office today.
A. How many people will be coming to the party next week?
B. Which team won first prize last weekend?
C. What happened this morning when you were late for work?
D. Who told you the answer to the exam question?
E. Who lives next door to you ?
F. What is the right answer to this question?
G. Whose car is the red one over there?
H. How many students came to your English class?
I <u>ate</u> fruits
My teacher <u>taught</u> well
The boys <u>wrote</u> nicely