This question is about "Killers of the Flower Moon", by David Grann.
1. Greed is the motivation for Ernest's actions.
2. Grann does this through the constant fear and dread that Mollie feels throughout the plot.
1. Ernest Burkhart is a very greedy man and this is his only motivation to continue his evil actions towards Mollie, her family and her people. Ernest Burkhart pretends to be an affectionate and loving husband so that Mollie does not distrust him and he can continue his plans to kill her and possess her fortune. The construction of the family, in this case, is only a facade, since Burkhart's plans go beyond that.
2. Grann uses highly descriptive language, which shows the constant dread and the psychological horror to which Mollie is subjected as her family members are being murdered. This emotional imbalance creates a lot of anxiety and creates a lively relationship in relation to the particular horror of crimes committed within a family and a united community.
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Madness is the obvious answer, then there are hysteria, delusion, extreme hypochondria, catatonia, to name a few.
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