1 is seascape 9 is silhouette 13 is tint
<u>When making tempera, the content egg yolk is used to bind the power pigment and water (same amount as the yolk). </u>Egg white is not used, and it should be completely removed from the yolk. <u>The ingredients are mixed until the consistency is reached.</u>
As the egg yolk dries fast, usually some fermentation agent (like vinegar) is added in small amounts, to prevent drying and cracking on the painting. The fast-drying prevents the blending or correcting, so the art is done with strokes over strokes.
If stored correctly, paintings done with tempera can last a long, as some from the early centuries are still preserved. Tempera was used a lot during the High Renaissance.
By typing in the number “31718”, you will unlock the secret known as “This Is Where It All Began”, which teleports you to the test room used during the game's creation.
You can also use a colorless blending pencil to help blend colors without adding any further pigment. To do this, lay down a fine layer of colorless blender first and then add your lightest color. Dark colors can be difficult to blend once they stick to the paper fibers, so this base helps alleviate that issue. Smudging With Paper and Tortillons
Realistically. Is the answer to ur question