"Dreams" revolves around two major metaphors. The speaker compares life after the loss of dreams to "a broken-winged bird / That cannot fly" and "a barren field / Frozen with snow." The first metaphor is bleak and the second even more so.
I believe that the correct choice of answer would be fidgeting. Hope this helps!
In the above context, Roosevelt considers a victory in support of his people by which they can attain the democratic freedom and rights.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave one of the famous speech “Four Freedoms” in which he talked about the problems that the native Americans have to face. He asks his people to support in the struggle of Independence. He appeals to the people and reminds them of the basic four freedoms which they need to be entitled to. The four freedoms are the freedom of speech and expression, the freedom to worship God in his own way, freedom from want and freedom from fear.
Homework reinforces skills, concepts and information learned in class. Homework prepares students for upcoming class topics. Homework teaches students to work independently and develop self-discipline. Homework encourages students to take initiative and responsibility for completing a task.