Shape builds on line and color, as it has to be made of one or both of these. Shape is the property of a two-dimensional form, usually defined by a line around it or by a change in color.
There are two main types of shapes, geometric and organic. While most works of art contain both geometric and organic shapes, looking at those that are more completely divided can serve to clarify these qualities.
Answer: what is "making the familiar strange?" it means looking at the world in an unknown and unbiased way. ... they do this in order to see the world from an unknown perspective. if you make something familiar strange, you tend to see things about that were not seen before.
Yes they should. If high schoolers do not take a test colleges will not know who to accept. They should also to refresh their mind and see what areas they are good at. Now that they know what they are good at they can decide a college. That is why people should do have a test.
Hartford convention collapsed federalist party and make democratic republic party the only one political party.
Hartford convention was actually a meeting hold on Hartford, United States in mid of 1814. The treaty of Ghent was signed in Hartford convention. After this federalist party collapsed and democratic republican party established as only one political party.
Hartford convention started to give financial assistance to England by federal government. This collapse of federalist party signifies the secession of New England and peace of Britain. The grievances related to the last war of 1812 was the main theme of this series of meeting in Hartford convention.