the American Revolution war gave birth to ideas about voting rights for more people and raised debates
a. tariffs: to protect domestic industry.
b. anti-fraud laws: to guarantee free choice.
c. environmental protection laws: to safeguard natural resources.
Tariffs are taxes that are placed on imports between states. They are often used as a way to protect domestic industry.
A fraud is a deliberate deception to secure some legal gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right. Anti-fraud laws are passed to prevent and punish this type of behaviour.
Environmental protection laws are those that are created in order to protect natural ecosystems from human destruction.
Mein Kampf (Disclaimer, do NOT read it it's literally a garbage political book that has anti-semitic things)
Truman offered Marshall Aid to help remake the smashed economies of Europe. He needed financially solid exchanging accomplices who could purchase American merchandise. This guide accompanied strings connected: to be acknowledged for Marshall Aid, nations needed to hold free and reasonable decisions. Truman offered to scrap the British and American "Bizonia" in West Germany keeping in mind the end goal to increase Soviet support.
Pharaohs held the most power in Egypt. They were gods chosen to lead the people and maintain order, and provided a link between the people and their gods