James Madison played a great role in establishment of the US as a republic. During the writing of the constitution, the founding fathers were adamant that they wanted democratic system of governance. However, they were torn between a direct democracy and a republican democracy. James Madison dismissed a direct democracy since the US is a large country and thus impossible to be governed through direct pure democracy. Instead, the father of the constitution argued for a scheme of representation in a republican setting. He especially lauded such a government since it even catered for the rights of the minority than in direct democracies.
Margaret Higgins Sanger was an American birth control activist, sex educator, writer, and nurse. Sanger popularized the term "birth control", opened the first birth control clinic in the United States, and established organizations that evolved into the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Wikipedia
Born: September 14, 1879, Corning, NY
Died: September 6, 1966, Tucson, AZ
The Ancient Greeks didn't have the technology at the time to send messages so they developed different ways to communicate to people at long distances. During a war, Ancient Greek armies developed a tool called the Stentorophic Horn. Ancient Greeks also used light signals to send urgent messages to armies.
Trading states of west Africa
The First World War is largely thought of as a conflictwhere the majority of the significant operations took place almost exclusively on mainland Europe with the exception of a handful of naval clashes fought throughout the world's oceans. This is only partially true because while most of the fighting did take place on the continent, one of the largest and most sophisticated undertakings of the war was conducted mainly at sea. This operation was the British blockade from 1914-1919 which sought to obstruct Germany's ability to import goods, and thus in the most literal sense starve the German people and military into submission.
While the land war certainly contributed to the Entente's (Britain, France, Italy, U.S.) victory in 1918, it was the blockade that truly broke Germany's back. Without it, the war could have potentially gone on even longer, but because of it, the world's preeminent land force was left with no other choice than to surrender as the seeds of revolution brewed among its population. This paper will look into how this important British undertaking functioned, how it affected the German people, and how it played a significant role in causing the German military to sue for peace in 1918.