Despre ce carte vorbești?
A. Ottoman
The Ottoman Empire, empire created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia (Asia Minor) grew to be one of the most powerful states in the world during the 15th and 16th centuries
since water takes a long time to heat up and a long time to cool down, land masses along these coastal regions have more moderate temperature ranges than those of land masses inland on the same latitude
The scale is an instruction in which there is a system of marks that are ordered or in sequence way for the intervals i.e. fixed is used for measurement.
The scale is the ration that determines the units presented a proportional relationship that lies between drawings and the items that are full size
Therefore the scale is the answer
The water has left the system before if could be measured.
Some of the water has flowed quickly along as surface runoff and through the river channel. Scientists would then missed the chance to measure this rainfall. Some water will have been absorbed by nearby vegetation. The vegetation then releases the water in a vapor state, to the atmosphere. This process is known as transpiration. Heat in the atmosphere causes evaporation and the water never joins the soil of groundwater to be measured as part of the water table.