On page 323, it showed that Ares wasn't sure of the answers that Percy was asking him. Ares is a god of war, so everything he does, he does in full confidence, however in this case he struggles to answer the question.
Is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is one of the oldest extant works of literature still read by contemporary audiences. As with the Iliad, the poem is divided into 24 books. It follows the Greek hero Odysseus, king of Ithaca, and his journey home after the Trojan War. After the war itself, which lasted ten years, his journey lasts for ten additional years, during which time he encounters many perils and all his crewmates are killed. In his absence, Odysseus is assumed dead, and his wife Penelope and son Telemachus must contend with a group of unruly suitors who compete for Penelope's hand in marriage.
Power because without power you cant,impact,control or influence others ,you would need power to do so and am notbtalking about power as in physical strength,power makes you possess ans exercise authority
Contrast: Insects may have entered a cool home and earthworms would have escaped to under the cool soil.
Compare: They both may have gone to a chilly area from their instincts.