Macbeth probably committed some acts of sin.
Whatever answer you pick cannot suggest happiness or contentment.
Prufrock is singularly lonely and so he observes loneliness around him. He thinks himself useless and ordinary so that's what he sees when he looks up at the windows and sees lonely men smoking their pipes.
Granny Weatherall (look at the name -- is it not symbolic of someone who endures all while wishing for something that seems never to be hers?), is every bit as Prufrock. She wants marriage and it is so deeply within her soul that all other grief is wiped away from her.
So what's the answer. Granny can't live life to the fullest; she simply exists and waits, and wants. Prufrock seems to be the same way. B is not the answer.
Forgive what? Achieve what kind of happiness? No C is not the answer either.
Neither one is at peace either with themselves or the world. It's not D.
That means only A is possible. It's not the best answer, but it is the best of this lot.
Just as an aside, a lot of problems would be solved for these 2 if they could just get together.
The text shows that the animals expected a different outcome than the reality they are facing.
Orwell uses irony in this excerpt by showing how the animals goal at the beginning was to drive Mr. Jones away from the farm and establish there own society, Animalism, but ended in chapter 10 with their original commandments changed to one statement: “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS. (Four legs good, two legs better.),there is no longer Equality between animals and they are all ruled by their dictator- leader, Napoleon, who (as well as the pigs), begin to act like humans. Here Orwell implies that there is no real difference between the two, which is how he uses irony in this excerpt.
(ps. This is my second time answering so im sorry if i made some mistakes
The answer is due and dew. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled and used differently. Inthis case, doe and act are not the same pronounciation as do.
Sylvia runs home with dollar signs in her eyes but realizes that she physically can't "tell the heron's secret and give its life away" (2.13). It's never explicitly stated why she does this, but we'd peg her obvious love of nature as Exhibit A and her intense experience atop the oak tree as Exhibit B (for more on this tree experience, check out the "Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory" section—there's more there than meets the eye).
Although Sylvia remains in the forest, she never forgets the hunter, nor is she ever quite sure that she's made the right choice. Although Sylvia is a proto-hippie country gal at heart, she knows that the hunter represented a very different path her life could've taken, and as the story ends, she still wonders where it might have taken her. It doesn't exactly reek of regret, but seems more like a sort of forlorn daydream about what might have been. But hey—we all do that sometimes.