His most challenging and unresolved problem was the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, Iran in 1978 by Islamic fundamentalists and the taking of more than 40 American hostages. Carter was unable to secure their release during his presidency. The were released once Ronald Reagan took office.
Differences between culture and architecture
Answer: Believed that the free market assured personal freedom
Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) was founded in 1960. The purpose of the organisation is to advocate public policies consistent with the Sharon Statement, which was adopted by young conservatives at a meeting at the home of William F. Buckley in Sharon, Connecticut, on September 11, 1960. The Sharon statement states that "Individual freedom and the right of governing originate with God. Political freedom is impossible without economic freedom. Limited government and strict interpretation of the Constitution. The free market system is preferable over all others."
Based on the above information, we can safely conclude that the whole purpose of the Young Americans for freedom is to advocate for a free market economy which will in turn guarantee individual freedom.
The conquistador Hernan / Hernando Cortes, the Spanish troops he lead, and the enemy tribes of the Aztecs (who wanted to see the Aztec empire fall)