The debate was about a strong national government versus basic civil liberties. If it hadn't been for the debates on the amendments, who knows what would've been added and what not. Thanks to the debates, things like the right to bear arms and the right to refuse to give your home to the army were added, as well as things like the states having the right to decide things that are not decided by the congress.
an introduction usually has the thesis statement or claim and the reasoning.
During Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency, VISTA or <span>Volunteers in Service to America, was IMPLEMENTED. However, it was John F. Kennedy's idea! VISTA is a national service program founded to help fight poverty.</span>
The theory of natural selection was explored by 19th-century naturalist Charles Darwin. Natural selection explains how the genetic traits of a species may change over time. This may lead to speciation, the formation of a distinct new species.
An atmosphere is the layer of gases that surrounds a planet.
The definition above is exactly what an atmosphere is.
All planets have atmospheres, of varying compositions depending on the location of the planet, the distance from the star they go round, the composition of the planet itself, and the presence or not of other celestial bodies nearby like moons or large asteroids.
Mars for example, has a very thin atmosphere, something that makes it hard for life to prosper in the red planet (so far, we have no evidence of life in Mars), and also makes it very cold, because atmospheres also act as mitigators of planetary climates.