Manifest destiny made it to where the united states and americans were trying to expand everywhere, this meant that Americans were also going into other countries land (especially Mexico's) A large group of farmers lead by John Austin made an agreement with Mexico to where they would bring mexicans amd farm Texas. They did not fully comply to all the rules in the agreement. Because the United States had land on the borders of Texas with a strong army and americans already in Texas they basically said this is our land amd started a war ending in the anexation of Texas.
It was called the Warsaw Pact.
Carnegie created a monopoly and he did this by investing in new technology which helped him grow his steel corporation. He went to other factories took their ideas and incorporated them into his. He also bout other companies that would help his own companies. In growing his monopoly he used vertical integration, he combined all of his companies into one large one which he named Carnegie Steel. He had the raw materials, his own manufacturing sites and steel mills and a way to transport his product. This is vertical integration, get the materials, make the steel, and ship it.
<span> Florida is home to almost 20 million </span>people<span> that reside one of the world's largest and </span>most productive<span> karst aquifer systems</span>