<h3>Poem 'A Voice' is adressed to the author itself </h3>
I like this answer as it acknowledges the wounds of the civil war but also tries to close them and rebuild the nation
Here is an example and you can just change the words:
"I can’t ever know what flowers they gave her,
on that brittle coffin,
Because those flowers belonged in the garden she made,
(That after they let grow wild and seething)
And kept in her eyes was a kindness worth more than what fate gave her,
That broken body, untrustworthy spine
And I hope she looked through her garden
One last time
Before they gave her to the roots"
Where does the story take place? They seem to be walking through the woods due to being under the trees where they hear the birds. It also seems to take place before there were cars due to the fact that they are lawyers and they are riding horses. It is also interesting to note that they were going into the next town - riding horses.....
Hope this helps.