In pre-WW2 Japanese culture, there existed a strict social hierarchy. One of the lowest things one could do in said hierarchy, is surrender. This was seen as dishonorable, and lowered one’s potion to lower than dogs. Any sign of disobedience and hesitation to the captor by the prisoner was seen as disrespectful, and accordingly.
A - he was a governor and general who declared himself dictator for life.
Julius Casear was the self proclaimed dictator of room from 47-44 B.C.E before he was murdered on the steps of the Senate.
Farm animals gave the disease to European farmers, and they gave it to the Native Americans.
The First Continental Congress, held from September to October 1774, was a congress of representatives from 12 of the 13 British Colonies. The reason for the convocation was the Intolerable Acts, aimed at stopping the growing resistance of the American colonies.
A Declaration of Rights and Grievances was issued, which contained a statement on the rights of the American colonies to "life, liberty and property," and also protested against the customs and tax policies of the metropolis. It was decided to declare a trade boycott of the metropolis. Beginning on December 1, 1774, both the purchase of English goods and the sale of American goods to the British were prohibited.
Well columbus led three ships with him the Nina the pinta and the Santa Maria he left from the Spanish port and was planning to reach Asia by sailing west