The culture of Canada has been primarily influenced by the various European cultures and traditions of its constituent nationalities, particularly British and French culture. There are also influences from the cultures of its indigenous peoples, and from the neighboring USA.
It`s important for Canada to be involved with other countries because we can`t let people die in other countries. Also the Red Cross helps countries that have natural disasters by treating people, getting food and water, and getting shelter.
Subsoil: This layer has normally less organic matter than the A horizon, so its colour is mainly derived from iron oxides. Iron oxides and clay minerals accumulate as a result of weathering. In a soil, where substances move down from the topsoil, this is the layer, where they accumulate.
Note: This information has been taken out of a website.
Showing how trends change over time
This is the thermosphere. It is the region of the atmosphere above the mesosphere and below the height at which the atmosphere ceases to have the properties of a continuous medium. The thermosphere is characterized throughout by an increase in temperature with height.
Continental margin
The submerged outer edge of a continent is called the into two major provinces. The submerged outer edge of a continent is called the continental margin. The deep seafloor beyond the continental margin is properly called the ocean basin