eso significa
mil setecientos setenta y seis=1776
Farm work is very difficult, for the endless hours spent making sure the crops are completely waters plowed and shipping them it can be a very difficult process.
a problem is researchable only if it can be scientifically proven
In science, a problem can be defined as a statement, condition, difficulty or question which is investigated by using the scientific method. In the scientific method, first is required to raise a possible explanation or 'hypothesis', which is based on objective inferences. Second, from this hypothesis, it is possible to make predictions which are subsequently proved or rejected by carrying out experiments and/or empirical observations in order to finally obtain results and conclusions about the researchable question.
Justo ayer, tuve una gran aventura. Pude pasar el rato con mis amigos en mi casa y en el parque. No puedo verlos mucho, así que momentos de este tipo son preciosos para mí. Salimos durante horas, nos sentamos en la hierba y hablamos. Luego, fuimos a mi casa y jugamos en mi Nintendo Switch hasta que oscureció. Estaba feliz de terminar la noche justo con todos ellos.
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¡Hope it helps you!