The Ural and Caucasus mountain Ranges
This site will provide information, but it changed the entire social order and beliefs, customs and culture of the people.
<span>A barometer would indicate a low air pressure in a snowstorm. The thermometer would also indicate a low temperature by showing a drop in temperature because of a cold weather. Both would support each other through its given data in Richmond.</span>
The incorrect statement is the last one: Whole wheat flout is enriched woth B-vitamins and iron.
The white flour or also called refined is the one that is obtained from a process in which the seed and the husk of the grains are removed to grind them, but thus the cereal loses the fiber, the iron, and many B vitamins. It is white flour that has to be enriched with B-vitamins and iron due to the significant amount of nutrients it loses during its production, its refinement.
The whole wheat flour preserves all nutrients and properties because it is obtained from whole grain.
I hope this answer helps you!