One difference between our culture and hispanic culture is the food for examples hispanic food has different flavors than our food. A similarity between our culture and hispanic culture is that they both celebrate kind of the same cultures just like february 14th , Christmas ,May 5 and more.
1. la capital mexicana
2. la celebración del equinoccio
3. manos
These phases refer to a Mexican celebration
1. Teotihuacán está a cincuenta kilómetros de la capital mexicana
This means that Teotihuacán is located 50 Km from the mexican capital city.
2. A la celebración del equinoccio van muchos grupos de música tradicional.
To the celebration goes a lot of group of music.
3. Todos quieren la energía del sol en sus manos
Everybody wants the sun energy in their hands.
It is the first one:
La familia está visitando el museo.