The United States gained international respect
The given quote by Treasury Albert reflects a revised sense of American nationalism that was fading after the Declaration of Independence in the previous decade. America and Britain had a strained relationship since then and were continuously fighting for the dominance of the continent.
The war of 1812 impacted a great loss on the side of America including economic fallout, deaths, burning of Capitol and many other public buildings. However, America could resist the colonizers at Atlantic coast and eventually signing of a peace treaty.
America was united for the first time against a foreign power as both the Republicans and Federalists joined to defend national interests gaining International respect.
sorry i dont understand i would help if it was in english its fine tho
Article 3 of the United States Constitution establishes the Judicial Branch, which consists of the United States Supreme Court. The Judicial Branch interprets the laws passed by the Legislative Branch.
He was the first person to be president of the new modern turkey (aka republic of turkey)
eThe overland journey–across mountains, plains, rivers and deserts–was risky and difficult, and many westward migrants instead chose to travel by sea, taking the six-month route around Cape Horn at the tip of South America, or risking yellow fever and other diseases by crossing the Isthmus of Panama and traveling via ...