The peace talks fell apart and no treaty was signed.
c. an adress to the public announcing plans for a millitary intervention
you need to convince your public that nothing is going to go wrong, and how you are their savior, to do that, you need to employ idealism, to show them that everything is okay
1. May 29, 1851: Sojourner Truth delivers her “Ain't I a Woman” speech.
2. 1869: Susan B. ...
3. August 18, 1920: Women win the right to vote.
4. June 10, 1963: The Equal Pay Act passes.
5. July 10, 1971: Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, and Betty Friedan form the National Women's Political Caucus.
6. 1971: Gloria Steinem starts Ms. magazine
The Articles of Confederation did not allow taxes to be collected, as well as not establishing a national bank, which left the nation in debt.