The Sirens never let anyone leave their island
The inclusion of reputable sources and specific facts would best strengthen the author's main argument because it would offer factual proof instead of just the author's opinion on the matter.
You can still have custody if you are not the real father.
This question is called analogy, the comparison of two things or how they are related, im not sure with my answer but im really want to help you though so here are my answers:
21. C. provocative: dull
22. A. scholar: encyclopedia
23. D. literal:figurative
24. A. olfactory:sight
25. B. re: again
See explanation:
When you say the word "monster", you immediately visualize big furry giants with horns and large teeth. And perhaps they might have existed in the oldern days, who knows?
But today, its not those giants that are the real monsters. The real monsters are the people who are around you every day.
You talk to strangers on the internet. You come across people on streets every single day. You don't know if they're angels, or serial killers.
You might be pleased with someone's face and wealth, but you don't know what they're hiding underneath.
The scariest part is, those monsters can be anyone. It can be your friend next door, or even your best friend. You never know what they're hiding under the mask.