Iraq invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990. In response to this aggression, the United States, along with a coalition of allied countries, started the Gulf War against Saddam Hussein's regime.
The Gulf War began when Iraq under Saddam Hussein captured neighboring Kuwait to secure oil supplies in August 1990. This meant that the UN intervened and that the United States, with President George H.W. Bush at the helm, with military force, defeated the Iraqi forces after a lengthy and preliminary bombing campaign from the air, which began on January 17, 1991. The American losses were historically few for a land war, while the Iraqi ones were significant.
The movable type was invented around AD 1040 in China during the Song Dinasty. It was a way of printing in which movable elements were used to reproduce documents, usually on paper. It had a great influence on learning if we consider that paper books could be printed and spread to different places
They helped move stuff around to trade and they needed little food and water to survive.