1 careers. Professional artist
2 careers. Art teacher/university lecturer
Art taught in our school: Art instruction helps children with the development of motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness. The arts provide challenges for learners at all levels. Art education connects students with their own culture as well as with the wider world.
How does learning about art promote innovation and creativity in our world?: art is the perfect subject to help shape students for a creative world. Andrew brings on Kasey McCurdy, VP of Engineering for a company called Bunch Ball, to discuss innovation and motivation. Their discussion focuses on a lot of great topics, including students’ disengagement in the current educational system (6:15), the most important skills we can teach (13:00), and specific ideas to start improving the educational system.
How can learning to draw and build things in school help your future career?: How to Observe and Look Closer, How to Feel Empathy, Tell Stories, Solve Problems, See Connections, Trust in their Own Abilities.
D. Dominance
The bowl of apples dominates the painting.
Definetly abstract art! SInce it's just colour and shape everywhere so it can express a lot of different emotions.
Its wealth and individualism promoted artistic growth.
He engraved deeper lines into the metal