The diameter of the Milky Way is 3,503,974,249,104 km times larger than the diameter of Saturn's rings.
1 light year is the distance light can travel in one year. One light year is equal to exactly to 9,460,730,472,580.8 km.
Therefore the diameter of the milky way in distance is 9,460,730,472,580.8 x
km while the diameter of Saturn rings are about 270,000km.
Comparing both diameters

= 3,503,974,249,104 km
A portion of the lithosphere in which the functional interstices of permeable rock or earth are not filled by water under hydrostatic pressure.
In your own words::
Well’s use is permanently discontinued or if it is in a condition that makes it uneconomic to repair.
hope this helps </3
Abyssal plain : very level area of the deep-ocean floor typically lying at the foot of the continental rise G
Guyot: A submerged flat-topped seamount H
Deep-ocean basin: portion of the seafloor between the continental margin and oceanic ridge; comprises 30 percent of Earth's surface C
Continental Volcanic Arc: Mountains are formed in part by igneous activity associated with the subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a continent A
Deep-Ocean Trench: Long, relatively narrow crease in the seafloor that forms the deepest parts of the ocean. D
Oceanic Plateau: extensive region of the ocean floor with thick accumulation of pillow basalts and other mafic rock E
Seamounts: An isolated volcanic peak that rises above the deep-ocean floor
Volcanic island arc: A chain of volcanic islands generally located a few hundred kilometers from a tench where active subduction of one oceanic slab beneath another is occuring; some trenches run parallel to an arc shapes row of active volcanoes
showing less births, and it sounds by 2055 theyll be in stage 5, however for the time being they are in stage 4 (i had an image link but brainly said nah)