Reptile, Scaly, Without Legs are some I could think of.
The tone of this excerpt is fear, disappointment, and uncertainty. T<span>aherah Saffazadeh, the poet, is Iranian and the fear and disappointment that accompany having a girl for a baby stems from the society's poor treatment of women and celebration of men. Detailed description of action and emotion help convey these themes, the word choice associated with the announcement that she was a girl. The mother's "look of shame", the "choked voice" telling them it's a girl, the midwife trembling, these details are what create the mood and reinforce how somber everything around the birth became. The tone of uncertainty comes from the feeling that no one in the room quite knows what to do next or how to react properly.</span>
Make sure you have the table set and utensils properly in place and plates placed and organized. <span />
Answer:that line between flirtation and harassment is very fine and often blurred. When it's unwanted and persistent. it's when a man goes too far whether through what he says or what he does - when a woman clearly doesn't want it.If you want to meet someone, you have to flirt, but it's about doing it in the right environment, not when people are least expecting it