Tyranny is a form of government where an individual exercise authority over some people without any legal restraints.
It means illegitimate use of power.
Centralization it occurs when federal government makes decisions that suppose to be made in the local. The takes possession of all the authority.
Tyranny emerging where some certain person are involved in the governance and others are sidelined.
Abandonment of rationality, ignoring the current state for something else that does not matter at that moment.
The people of Florence decide to end Cosimo's exile and invite him back C: to stop the financial suffering that occurred once the Medici withdrew their money from the city
“The Medici” was the first dynasty which had won their status not by fighting a war or inheritance, but they succeeded in commerce. The Medici family is also referred as the 'House of Medici'. In the 13th century, both in trade and finance, they gained money and political influence in Florence.
Cosimo de' Medici was the first ruler of Florence from Medici family. In 1433, he was arrested by a rival group. But he was saved from death punishment by his family and friends. But, he was exiled for ten years. He went to Venice and controlled a political party of France as he wanted to work for his return. Within a year, Florence people invited him back. Because he had bought the favour of 'Bernardo Guadagni', for about $25,000.
Well Montesquieu admired England John Locke (i think) Who was a famous liberal and empiricist of a preceding generation. And he was influenced by the great Isaac Newton physics and believed in a god that had made those laws. But he believed humanity had a free will. and god did not direct human affairs . He believed a god who controlled humans as puppets would not have made them smart
The influence of radical reconstruction in the south erode because
of the interest of the norths in regards of the radical reconstruction in which
led it to dwindle due to the fact that they suddenly had lost interest in it
and other factors such as the white democratic power that has been emerged and
an erupted scandal in the administration.