The phrase "the rose that grew from concrete" means a person who endures and perseveres despite the difficulties in life preventing him from achieving his goal.
The poem "The Rose that Grew From Concrete" is a poem of persistence and endurance by Tupac Shakur. This poem revolves round the theme of endurance and persistence in achieving one's goals despite anything.
Shakur uses the figurative image of "<em>a rose that grew from concrete</em>" to present an image of one persisting against the very obstacles that may come on the way. Roses, or plants in general, need good soil and environment to grow and flourish but concrete will only make them die. But despite this, a rose that chose to grow shows the plant's endurance and perseverance.
Shakur claims that by growing in the concrete, the rose <em>"Prov[es] nature's law is wrong"</em> and "<em>learned to walk with out having feet, [.....] to breathe fresh air". </em>He states that as long as one is focused on the goal, there is nothing that can hold him back from achieving greatness/ success.