Pluggable authentication modules (PAM).
These are schemes that are seen to be used in API authentication. It is relyed on to provide high authentification protocool in any correct form it is seen to be in use. also its ability to grant access to each other within two people interface are reasons big user clients refer to it in most of their policies that deals with their working system passwords and their database passwords to most of their files. This is why the company in the context which is a big firm rely on it for its services.
The answer would be 25 years is what it would take for it to double 2000x.04=80 . The interest would add up to 80 for 1 year. Multiple 80 by 25 and you get 2000.
Since I have rechecked and noticed that it is not a disk space shortage, then the problem should not be on the disk but the RAM. Even basic tasks like opening up a Word document can be slow if you do not have enough RAM. You can check RAM usage in task manager by right clicking on the taskbar and selecting the task manager option. You will be required to click on the Performance tab of the task manager. Here, you will be able to graphically view how much RAM on your computer is being used. If the RAM is being over-utilized, you will have to consider upgrading your PC with more RAM.
Answer: C
Public Domain mean public owns it and it don’t belong to an individual author or artist. Anyone can use a public domain without obtaining permission but can’t ever own it