An icon is a representation of Christ, the Mother of God, saints or feasts. Icons belong to the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches and are inseparable from the ecclesiastical and spiritual life of these churches and their believers.
Icons are painted on a wooden panel. When painting certain rules must be taken into account. These rules are contained in the painters' books (the so-called canon) and are intended to ensure purity and uniformity and not to deviate from the teachings of the Church.
The painting of icons is within the Eastern Orthodox Church a work for which God's blessing is requested; it is usually accompanied by prayer. Nowadays an icon is usually no longer signed, unless it is added to the painter's name by hand, as is usual with Greeks. Icons originated mainly in countries where Christianity in the form of Eastern Orthodoxy is the religion, such as Greece, Russia, the Balkans, Eastern Europe and also Egypt and Ethiopia.
The Double Victory campaign
The Double Victory campaign, launched by the Courier in 1942, became a rallying cry for black journalists, activists and citizens to secure both victory over fascism abroad during World War II and victory over racism at home.
This letter was written by Leo Szilard, a Hungarian-German-American physicist and signed by Albert Einstein on August 2, 1939. In this letter he urged the president to get involve on a nuclear research and project as Germany might be planning and developing an atomic bomb.
Minute men because they were ready to respond to a fight in minutes. They are also sometimes called the Minute Men Millitia.
Hope that helps
The famous Richard Kipling´s phrase is usually interpreted as a statement of the alleged mission of Europeans to bring civilization and progress to backward peoples. It is seen as a racist justification of colonization of other peoples by many critics, as a statement of white man´s superiority. The other phrase refers to the exploitation and injustice suffered by colonized people in Africa and Asia in the hands of their white colonial masters.