The answer to this question is definitely C.
If you sent this poem to a woman and meant it to be a compliment, you'd soon get your head handed to you. In pieces.
And yet many poems were written with the words coral, white (like fresh fallen snow), hair [a really touchy subject for any man to make a comment about]. breath -- it's wonder he didn't say anything about feet.
D is wrong. He doesn't want to show her in an uncomplimentary light. He wants poets to stop using cliches.
A is wrong. What beautiful things in nature? She is not as good as any that are mentioned.
B They are not positive qualities. Not in these lines.
- "Is my team plowing" = Are my horses still working?
- "That I use to drive" = The way I used to drive them to plow the land
- "And hear the harness jingle" = While listening to the harness noises.
- "When I was man alive?" = When was I still alive?
- "Ay, the horses trample," = The horses continue to work hard.
- "The harness jingles now;" = And the harness continues to make noise
- "No change though you lie under" = Everything is the same, except your presence
- "The land you use to plow." = On the land you used to plow.
Firstly, it is important to highlight the meaning of paraphrasing. To paraphrase is to use a sentence and rewrite it keeping the original meaning, but using different words, as was done in the poem above.
The poem provides the conversation between a dead man and his friend, who is still alive. In the first three verses, the man wants to know what is happening in the land that he plowed, cared for and cultivated. He wants to know if everything is as he left it. The latest verses describe the friend's response, who says that everything is the same, except for the presence of the man who is now dead.
A. Securely
B. " way in the world can you get rid of the nasty hard thing..."
A. The word fast in this context means securely. For example, if I held my money fast it would mean that I clutched it tightly to make sure nothing could happen to it.
B. This quotation shows that the harness was held securely on the horse, since he couldn't get it off.
The answer is B, because there is actually a time that a child should read. Sorry for the poor explanation