Polytheism (the belief in more than one god.)
Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, the 19th amendment granted all women the right to vote. It took many generations to get to this point, but women worked hard. Through making suffrage groups for women, or even marching, women worked to have the right to vote.
The historical event that the beginning of the Anglo-Saxon period roughly corresponds with is C. the Roman pull-out from Britain.
Both of these happened sometime in the 5th century.
Josephine Butler was a feminist and social reformer who played a significant role in fighting for women's right to vote, improvement of women's health and education. She was a dogged political activist who represented the voice of women all over the world. Her core achievements include the fight for women's franchise, the abolition of child prostitution, the campaign against the Contagious Disease Act, extensive activism for women equality and education, among others. What made her achievements exceptionally and inspirational was the fact that the turning point of her life was when she lost her daughter. Instead of her to allow herself to be overwhelmed by sorrow, she channeled her energy to helping women and advocating for the rights of women. She was a strong woman who looked beyond her affluence and was able to relate well with women from every cadre of life. She was also one of the foot soldiers that fought against women trafficking. She also authored several books promoting the rights of women in politics, education, public health, economics and other areas of life.
Business monopolies.
In the late 19th century and early 20th, most companies were looking to form monopolies. By decreasing or nullifying the competition, the business's success was assured.
As an example, the Standard Oil Company, founded by John D. Rockefeller was one of the most powerful monopolies of its time. He was able to dictate fixed products, pay whatever wages he wanted to pay to workers, and controlled the market since his competitors weren't remotely close to his manufacturing levels.
However, it didn't lack opposition. in 1890 United States Senator John Sherman, attained the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890, which allowed the Federal Government to break up any business who was in any way prohibiting competition. This act was widely used throughout the whole century, in the fight against monopolies.