Europa es el cuarto continente más poblado después de Asia, África y América con una población de 735.000.000 o alrededor del 11% de la población mundial. En los siglos XVII y XVIII, las naciones europeas conquistaron y saquearon la mayor parte de África, América, y gran parte de Asia.
Both presidents wanted an active role in foreign affairs. ... C. Both presidents wanted less government regulation of business. D. Both presidents felt that government should take an active role in solving social problems.May 31, 2017
Anti-federalists believed that the states did not have enough power to limit the federal government; however, the federalists believe if states are given too much power than the country will go into debt and eventually spiral out of control similar to the AOC.
Federalist 47. Opponents of the Constitution, known as Anti-Federalists, observed that the separation of powers as proposed did not offer enough separation between the branches of government.