It is ironic that Confucius's son died an early death. We can infer that the death of Confucius' son, Carp is ironic, he suffered an early death when the symbolism of the carp fish is longevity, because carps can get very old, it also represents the dragons due to big scales on the body of a carp. According to the meaning of the carp Confucius' son, Carp, should have a long live which did not happen.
Each paragraph of your media analysis essay should evaluate the evidence that has been given to support the thesis.have specifically referenced reorganized for overall organization and wordiness.focus on one major idea that relates to your thesis. Each paragraph of your media analysis essay should focus on one major idea that relates to your thesis.
Distinctive has a positive connotation.
⇒ <span>Antagonist:
1. An opponent or enemy in a story
</span>⇒ <span>Protagonist:
</span>1. The main character in any story, such as a literary work or drama.
<span>2. </span>A leading person in a contest; a principal performer.
<span>3. </span>An advocate or champion of a cause or course of action.
Rainsford is the protagonist in the story.