The answer is situational attribution and dispositional attribution.
Situational attribution occurs when a person holds the environment, or other situational causes, as responsible for the outcomes of an event. In this case, <em>you</em> blame the <u>sunlight</u> for the batter's outcome.
Dispositional attribution takes place when a person believes the causes for an outcome are internal. This is: the skills, intelligence or personal traits of a person are to blame for the outcome.
C. comforting touch is more important than food, particularly when an infant is stressed
According to harlow's experiment, comforting touch that given by the parents whenever the child experiencing emotional stress will provide the sense of care and protection that make the child felt safe and taken care of.
According to the experiments, infants who constantly receive such loving treatment tend to grow up to be a more emotionally stable adults with high self-esteem compared to the child that never receive such treatment.
The lack of a stable government, dictators, and civilian uprisings.
Answer: Forcing or dominating
Forcing is the act of oppression which particular task or work is performed by the management to achieve intended task.Domination is the manner in which control and authority is taken over particular matter. This form of power does not consider hearings and requirement of other people.
According to the question, forcing or domination is the method that can be used by manager to order certain command that should be followed by employees in case of conflict. This authority is provided to manager to handle any critical situation that has gone out of control.