En esta primera parte del libro estudiamos lo que para muchos economistas es la pregunta más
importante de la economía: ¿Por qué algunos países tienen mayores niveles de ingreso por
habitante que otros?
En el capítulo 2 definimos el crecimiento económico y presentamos distintas herramientas
útiles para medirlo y analizarlo. Además, presentamos una breve historia del crecimiento
económico, con especial énfasis en la evolución de la economía argentina en el contexto
El capítulo 3 es una introducción a la teoría del crecimiento económico. Presentamos allí un
esquema analítico sencillo, en el cual la inversión y el desarrollo tecnológico aparecen como
los determinantes directos del crecimiento. Además, explicamos algunos de los factores que los
economistas han identificado como determinantes más profundos del crecimiento – aquellos
factores que definen el grado de inversión y de desarrollo tecnológico.
deferral is the answer.
A deferral in accrual accounting is an account on which income or expenses are recorded at a later date. Pensions, surcharges, taxes, income, etc. Accruals and deferrals can be viewed as either assets or liabilities, depending on the type of accrual. See also boundaries.
deferral means money paid or received before the product or service is offered. Here is an example of postponement: Insurance fee. Subscription-based services (newspapers, magazines, TV shows, etc.) Prepaid rental.
deferral is a payment made in one accounting period but not reported until the next accounting period. For example, if you made a payment at the end of the year but did not report until the new year, this will be postponed.
Learn more about deferral
The profits will peak and decline.
during this stage of the product development, the product is already widely accepted by the market.
Eventually, the newer and better product will start to appear and the previous one will started to lose popularity and decline in profits.
True because in Shanghai the equilibrium of the bees is much harder than the volume of the wasp in Kosovo
Answer: advertising, publicity, and personal selling- that stimulates interest, trail or purchase by final customers or others in the channel.
Explanation: Sales promotion are promotional activities used to stimulate consumers into purchasing a certain product. Sales promotion usually takes the form of giving discounted prices to customers, giving out extra incentive or gift items, freebies, voucher cards, coupon and other promotional offers which gives consumers extra material benefit when they purchase an item. Promotional offers are usually made during certain periods such as festive seasons, company anniversary or occasionally in other to drive sales or to wow customers.