B) Melissa had weak interpersonal and networking skills to run the project.
Interpersonal skills are described as an individual's maneuver and behaviors that he or she uses to interact with those of the other person effectively. In business, it is being used to define as an employee's capability to work in a better way and includes listening and communication related to deportment and attitude.
Networking Skills are described as a phenomenon that helps an individual to improve and develop a skill set. It includes a good listening tendency that is responsible for validating value towards the other person's opinion and therefore shows respect.
Answered below
Community policing has to do with the familiarisation of police officers with the community I'm which they are working in. In community policing, individuals partner with traditional police forces to work together to make their neighbourhood safer and to minimize crime. This creates a bond between the police and the community.
Police community programs are programs set in place by the police to enhance further integration of the police and community. Awareness programs on crime, meetings with religious bodies, youth organizations and schools, and provision of humanitarian services to poor communities, are examples of police community programs.
It would be most difficult to use the <u>medical model</u> to explain why bulimia nervosa occurs mostly in western cultures.
Bulimia is an eating disorder. it is characterized by using control episodes of overeating, called bingeing. Which is followed through purging with techniques that includes vomiting or misuse of laxatives. Bingeing is consuming lots large amounts of meals than you will generally devour in a short time period, usually less than 2 hours.
Bulimia can subsequently result in physical troubles associated with now not getting the right nutrients, vomiting plenty, or overusing laxatives. possible headaches include: feeling tired and weak. Dental issues – stomach acid from chronic vomiting can harm tooth enamel.
The DSM-III-R indexed bulimia as a separate eating sickness for the primary time. The American Psychiatric Association noted binge consumption in the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM). It became listed as a characteristic of bulimia.
Learn more about Nervosa here
Processual Archaeology
Processual Archaeology refers to a research approach based on the philosophy of logical positivism. It uses scientific research methodologies to develop our understanding of historical cultures and how the culture has evolved over the years. The effect of factors like socio-economic aspects and environmental aspects are on culture are often investigated using this approach. In the given statement, all these factors are discussed and therefore, it can be said with evidence that the research approach is processual archaeology.
Demographic factors refer to the characteristics of a population. These include qualities such as age, gender or ethnicity. When these factors change, different forces might impact an organization and force it to adapt. These are known as demographic forces. When a company or organization refuses to react to these democratic forces, it runs the risk of becoming inefficient or disappearing.