The DNA replication by the action of DNA polymerase takes place in the 3' to 5' direction on the leading strand. The lagging strand which has the opposite orientation or polarity as that of the leading strand requires a more time to get synthesised. The DNA replication of the lagging strand happens in short segments where a RNA primer forms a compliment with a part of the DNA segment on its 3' end. This RNA primer helps initiate the replication of the Okazaki fragments. When the replication on the lagging strand reaches its end, the RNA primer forms a compliment with the last bit of the strand. This small segment gets missed in the end as no more DNA is left to form a RNA primer-DNA compliment. Such shortening of the lagging strand in the replication process is the end-replication problem.
Telomeres are protective ends of the DNA strands. These ends contain a poly-A tail. When the lagging strand replication reaches its end, the RNA primer forms a compliment with the telomere and initiates the replication. This leads to the shortening of the telomere and not the coding segments on the lagging strand of DNA. The telomerase repairs the shortened telomere by re-synthesising it.
Pretty sure it's 36 ATP molecules
D or aka changes in the moons orbit
Hope this helps you
Biologists recognize five levels of cell organization. The lowest and simplest is the cellular level. Organisms here are either unicellular organisms, like protozoa, or colonial organisms. Colonial organisms are composed of single-celled individuals that stay together to sustain the life of the whole colony. Next on the scale of complexity is the level occupied by tissue. A tissue is a group of similar cells that perform a similar activity. Tissues that are organized around a common function together make up an organ, the third level of complexity. The fourth level of organization is the system, formed by a group of organs that together perform a specific bodily process. The fifth and highest level is the organism level, in which body systems work together in a structure capable of independent life.
pic 1 red giant, a star whose outer shell has expanded and cooled
pic 2: supernova, a shock wave produced by extremely high temperatures
pic 3: black hole, a high mass star that has collapsed from gravity
pic 4: white dwarf, a low mass star that has shed its outer layers