I understand why the state passed a law raising the minimum wage, but I already had to let two employees go because I couldn't p
ay them. I think the legislature raised it too far, too fast. We need to go more slowly. I collected all the signatures required to let citizens decide for themselves. On Tuesday, we'll all be able to vote on whether to keep the law. What procedure, which is available in many states, does the passage describe?
A referendum or referendum is a legal procedure by which laws or administrative acts are subject to popular vote for ratification. It is the mechanism of direct democracy by antonomasia and at present also complements the regime of participatory democracy, promoting the direct intervention of the electoral body. However, there are authors who question its democratic validity. It is a decision-making procedure by which citizens exercise the right to vote to decide on a resolution decision by expressing their agreement or disagreement. To reach the agreement there must be an absolute majority among the votes.
The patriots didn’t have a navy to challenge the Royal Navy. Then they asked the French King Loui XVI for help and the French navy was able ti challenge the Roayal Navy